Book Creation Mentorship


Ready to finally write that book…

You know, the one you’ve been sitting on for years and years? The one that nags you to be created and pops into your mind at random times during the day? Yeah. That one.

Sometimes the thought of writing a book can be overwhelming - maybe you've had the same idea for years but never knew quite where to begin, or maybe time got ahead of you, or you simply didn't believe in yourself. Whatever the reason, know that it's never too late to begin. Whether you write for five minutes or five hours a day, everything adds up. I've been writing books for a long time, and not only know the ins and outs of self-publishing but how to create stories that represent a vision or idea very well.

Download my consulting workbook to learn more about how I work with clients, pricing, and how you can have a picture book created in less than 6 months.

Have questions? Click the button below to email me.